The following links provide information that members of the Undergraduate Advising Council consider particularly relevant to faculty and professional advisors and is divided according to four categories of advising related knowledge: conceptual, informational, relational, and technological. We encourage you to bookmark this page and to check back often, as we regularly add new tips.
Conceptual Tips:
Informational Tips:
Classification: First-Year Student or Transfer Student?
Double Counting ("Double Dipping") Courses
International Programs
Quantitative Literacy Options in Gen Ed
Semester and Residency Hours Requirements
Taking Courses at Another Institution
Transfer Coursework Information
Transferring Credits to Appalachian
Understanding FERPA (the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act)
Undergraduate Readmission Process
Relational Tips:
Be aware of the Arc of a Coaching (Advising) conversation
Check on progress in key areas
Help students identify strengths and interests
Technological Tips: